Movie Review – Go MU!

Can’t forget about the MONSTERS! I watched Monsters University opening weekend and I fell in love Mike Wazowski all over again, maybe even more since the movie shows him as an elementary student. The cutest green ball I ever! Green is my favorite color. 😉 But those simple design tweaks to take these lovable monsters back in time were genious. Yes, I noticed Sully’s lil side swoop hair. I’m glad designers didn’t go with a spiky do or like a Justin Bieber look for him. =P Mike did not have to worry about his hair much, but his body shape and that retainer were perfect touches. Right on Disney Pixar!
The storyline was a perfect fit for this university setting too. An ultimate days long competition for the best scarer. The cast got bigger, setting got bigger, and the screams got even BIGGER! My college days does not compare, but heck if I was a monster I’d definitely enroll to MU. =P I did make myself a monster on the movies website too. They even gave me  a monster name. HEHE! And if you want to check out the campus there’s even an actual website. You can’t really enroll, but the button exists! Monsters University

Additionally, I fell in love with one of the characters named Squishy. His weirdness and unique was of scaring hits my funny bones. There’s something about these unique characters that I enjoy, like the Minions! But there are many new characters to love in MU and I’m sure everyone feels for that slug at the beginning and end of the movie. Don’t worry those who haven’t seen it that’s not even a spoiler. =P

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